Understanding multiple imputations

In this video, we’re looking at what multiple imputations are and how they can be used to deal with missing data.

I explain why missing data can be a source of bias, using a very simple dataset to illustrate the problems. The default approach in statistical packages is to remove cases with missing values, so-called list-wise deletion. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but normally, we don’t really know why data are missing, so we don’t know if and how much bias we have.
We look at replacing missing value with the mean and using separate categories, and see that these (common) approaches are inadequate. Multiple imputations are preferable because they keep information about how uncertain we are about the imputed data. This is done by drawing from a distribution and running analyses multiple times before combining the results.

The video doesn’t go into the technicalities of multiple imputations and the different approaches there are to implement the basis idea in practice, but it should be clear that even multiple imputations cannot do magic.

Multiple regression vs. many correlations?

Does it make a difference if we run one model with multiple independent variables, or multiple models with just one independent variable or many correlations? In this video, we’ll see that it absolutely makes a difference, and we find out why. In a multiple regression model, we also account for other variables, so the baseline is “having already accounted for” those. When using a correlation, the baseline is “nothing”. The difference can be considerable.

Understanding the anatomy of functions in R

In this video, we’re exploring the anatomy of R functions. Functions have a keyword to tell R what to do, like calculate the median on a set of numbers. The keyword is followed by brackets, in which we include the data and additional arguments if needed. Arguments are separated by commas.

= vs. <- in R: which one to use?

In this video, we look at the equal sign versus the backward arrow in R. We can use either of them to assign something to an object.

Historically, R has used the backward arrow, but, in almost all cases, you can use the equal sign.