What is the researcher degree of freedom?

In this video, we look at what that expression “researcher degree of freedom” means. The term highlights how in quantitative research, we (have to) make a lot of choices when doing the analysis. (This actually also applies to qualitative research, but I haven’t seen the expression used in that context, yet.) These choices can affect the results we get.

I use an example to outline some of the choices in a simple regression model, and emphasize that we should try to empirically the effect of our choices on the results we report.

How to interpret coefficients of binary variables

In this video, we’re going to look at how to interpret the coefficient of a binary variable in a regression model. And we’re going to find out why there is only one coefficient for a binary variable, even though there are two categories. Like for other categorical variables, one of the categories is used as the reference. We need to know how things are coded to understand which of the two is the reference category.