Two full-time postdoctoral researcher positions on discrimination (EUI)

TARGETS is an interdisciplinary and multi-method project funded by the European Research Council that seeks to examine: 1) how discriminatory events are perceived by victims and bystanders; 2) the process through which discrimination claims are evaluated, at the workplace and in the courtroom; 3) the strategies HR managers adopt to prevent workplace discrimination; and 4) the coping strategies adopted by victims to react to discriminatory experiences. The postdoctoral researchers will mostly focus on the first and fourth objectives, using experimental and longitudinal methods.
Deadline for applications: June 26, 2024
Starting date: September, 2024
Duration: 24 months
Salary: approximately 3.755 (for full-time contract, net) Euro, plus allowances if applicable
The successful candidate will join the Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS) of the EUI.

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